Monday, February 6, 2012

Allusion Graphic Final


  1. Reflection:
    a.) When I was searching for my allusion, the first step that I took was doing somewhat of a self reflection and listing down qualities that made me unique. Some qualities that I listed included: small, hardworking, and determined. Then, I went through a bunch of my children's books, looking for just the right character. I stumbled upon one of my favorites, "The Little Engine That Could" After finding this, I was able to link myself (as well as my gymnast-self) to the Little Engine that could because of it's determined attitude that kept him going and going until he reached his goal.

    b.) I chose to write this poem just as I would write one of my personal poems because even though it is school work, it's still very personal. I started by just jotting down ideas and ways that I was similar to my character on a bubble map. Then, using that bubble map as a reference, I just threw out all my ideas onto my "super rough" draft of my poem. From there, I added in poetic techniques such as repetition, "Maybe a little kindness/ Maybe a little heart/ Maybe a little strength, determination/ Maybe a little something like me." to strengthen my qualities and add rhythm to my poem. I also structured my poem so that the stanzas mirror each other. I believed that this would help to tell the tale and introduce the allusion. After reviewing the comments from my teammates and Ms. S, I decided to add more about my gymnastics (since it's such a big part of my life) into my poem to show more about myself.

    c.) Creating my allusion graphic was probably the biggest struggle that I faced with this assignment. My main issue was thinking of the initial idea for my graphic, and deciding how I would incorporate myself with a train. I finally decided that I'd show myself as well as the elements that I mentioned in my poem as items on the train. In the story, the train's main goal is to carry the toys to the top, so I decided to replace the toys with my personal goals (in the blue train) and "tools" (in the yellow train). To create my graphic, I used one of the storybook images, and used many layers to photoshop my items inside it. Some items required extra photoshopping, (erasing the background, layering it onto the picture frames). I also tilted my image to make the hill appear bigger (per Ms. Sueoka's suggestion) and photoshopped the skyline and hill to make it look realistic.

    d.) I think that this assignment really helps to understand these characters, and ourselves. The initial process of selecting our allusion really requires us to think beyond our purely physical qualities and try to relate our emotions and mental qualities to a character. Because obviously, there's not going to be a character that looks exactly like myself, with the exact job, hobby, etc. For me, writing this poem really made me think of where I stand in the world because it made me think about someone else that has a similar position in the world as me.

  2. Hi Leah,
    Excellent job (as usual :) Thoughtful and artistic. Like the little train, you've faced some steep slopes these past few weeks (like Explora for one :) but, like that little engine, you could...and you did :)
    Excellent job on the reflection as well...thorough documentation of your creative process for both the poem and the graphic.
    Assessment score: ES (4)
    mrs s
